Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience,

Organiser: FENS

Additional Organiser: Hertie Foundation


Attendance type(s): In Person

FENS members will benefit from preferential rates

Event Dates: 11—18 Jan 2015

The study of decision-making exposes principles of neural processing that underlie a variety of mental functions. The school will introduce students to recent advances emerging from computational, behavioural and neurobiological approaches to the study of decision making. The one-week intensive course will cover a variety of topics, including perceptual and value-based decisions, sensorimotor control, volition, foraging and reinforcement learning. The emphasis will be on principles and mechanisms that can be understood at the systems, circuit and computational level. Lectures will cover experimental model systems spanning humans, monkeys and rodents, as well as tutorials on quantitative methods.

Contact Details

Name: FENS
