Boehringer Ingelheim is a research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of humans and animals, with a focus on diseases for which no satisfactory treatment option exists to date. The company therefore concentrates on developing innovative therapies that can extend patients’ lives. In animal health, Boehringer Ingelheim stands for advanced prevention.
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim: Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award; Boehringer Ingelheim Award Lecture at the FENS Forum

The European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB) is an organisation of eminent neuroscientists and clinicians in Europe who are committed to enhancing the public’s understanding of why brain research is so important and to convey the excitement of scientific progress.
In partnership with the Dana Foundation: Brain Awareness Week, EDAB-FENS Brain Awareness Week Excellence Award, the EDAB Special Lecture on Neuroethics and EDAB/Max Cowan lectures at the FENS Forum
The ERA-NET NEURON supports basic, clinical and translational research in the diverse fields of disease-related neuroscience. Ministries and funding organisations across Europe, Israel, Turkey and Canada have joined forces to conquer diseases of the brain and the nervous system.
In partnership with ERA-Net Neuron: ERA-Net Neuron Plenary and ERA-Net NEURON / Excellent Papers in Neuroscience Award Lectures at the FENS Forum
The main mission of the European Brain Council (EBC) is to promote brain research with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of the estimated 179 million Europeans living with brain conditions.
In partnership with EBC: Advocacy
The European Animal Research Association (EARA) is a communications and advocacy organisation, representing both public and private institutions in the biomedical sector.
Its mission is to inform people about the continued need for, and benefits of, the humane use of animals in scientific research, by providing accurate and evidence-based information.
In partnership with EARA: Activities to promote the responsible use of animals in research
The Hertie Foundation is the biggest private funding body supporting brain research in Germany, and the third largest in Europe.
In partnership with the Hertie Foundation: Winter Schools, Eric Kandel Young Neuroscientists Prize, Hertie Foundation Plenary Lecture at the FENS Forum
IBRO is the global federation of neuroscience organisations that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, teaching, research, outreach and engagement activities, and the publication of two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Neuroscience Reports.
In partnership with IBRO: ALBA Network, Global Engagement Initiative, the Global Brain Museum, the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme, stipend support for the Brain Conferences, the FENS Forum and the FENS Regional Meeting; the IBRO – Kemali Prize Lecture at the FENS Forum
The Kavli Foundation is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of humanity, promoting public understanding of scientific research, and supporting scientists and their work. The foundation’s mission is implemented through an international programme of research institutes, initiatives and symposia in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience, and theoretical physics, as well as the Kavli Prize and a programme in public engagement with science.
In partnership with the Kavli Foundation: The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, Fred Kavli Opening Lecture at the FENS Forum
The Lundbeck Foundation is a foundation that aims to improve people's health and lives by supporting research at the highest level within biomedicine and the natural sciences.
The Lundbeck Foundation awards the world’s largest brain research prize, The Brain Prize, to brain researchers who have had a ground-breaking impact on brain research.
In partnership with The Lundbeck Foundation: The Brain Conferences, The Brain Prize Lecture at the FENS Forum
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) represents 36,000 members in more than 95 countries. SfN’s mission is to advance scientific exchange, support the neuroscience community, educate and engage the public; and advocate for the field.
FENS and SfN have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop collaboration between both organisations, especially in training.
In partnership with Society for Neuroscience: ALBA Network, Global Engagement Initiative.
Wiley is a publishing company which develops digital education, learning, assessment, and certification solutions to help universities, businesses, and individuals move between education and employment and achieve their ambitions. Wiley’s online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, books, and other digital content build on a 200-year heritage of quality publishing.
Wiley publishes the journal of FENS, the European Journal of Neuroscience.
In partnership with Wiley: FENS EJN Research Award, FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize, EJN Best Publication Award