Cellular mechanisms and networks in addiction
Organiser: FENS
Additional Organiser: Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
Attendance type(s): In Person
FENS members will benefit from preferential rates
Event Dates: 29 May—4 Jun 2016
Current models of addiction are converging on the idea that aberrant function and remodelling of neural circuits cause compulsive drug use despite negative consequences, which defines the disease. According to this hypothesis, drug reward, negative affect, or stress would trigger specific forms of synaptic plasticity, which in susceptible subjects would become persistent. The course will review the arguments in favour of abnormal neuronal plasticity underlying addiction. The techniques necessary to achieve a comprehensive description of the relevant functional neuroanatomy will be presented. A special emphasis will be on the design of experiments that aim at establishing causality within genetically trackable circuit components. The course will conclude with lectures on translational studies to leave the students with information converging a broad spectrum of addiction research and a long list of open questions.
Contact Details
Name: FENS
Email: schools@fens.org