IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend awardees
Following the assessment of the submitted abstracts, the awarded participants with a IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend to attend the Fall Brain Conference 2017 (listed in alphabeptical order, based on the family name) are:
Rodrigo Barbosa | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Heike Blockus | Columbia University, USA |
James Crowe | Aston University, United Kingdom |
Mathijs de Rijk | Maastricht University, the Netherlands |
Stefano Giandomenico | MRC LMB, Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Daniel Hoops | McGill University, Canada |
Laura Jimenez-Baron | Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Germany |
Nereo Kalebic | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany |
Irma Khachidze | I. Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine, Georgia |
Chiara La Rosa | University of Turin, Italy |
Alfredo Llorca Molina | King’s College London, United Kingdom |
Katherine Long | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany |
Noemi Picco | University of Oxford, United Kingdom |
Neha Rani | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India |
Xiaoqun Wang | Institute of Biophysics, China |