3-Dimensional Images of Physiological Apparatus and Models with Historic Interest |
3-D digital archive of physiological apparatus with descriptions of their use and their impact on the field of science.
Website |
2012 |
Open URL
A Brain Museum Tour of Europe |
A tour of the brain museums of Europe, showing the museums with materials relevant to the history of neuroscience in each country.
Website |
2017 |
Open URL
A Short History of European neuroscience – from the late 18th to the mid 20th century |
Short manuscript co-authored by Dr. Helmut Kettenmann, Chair and Dr Nicholas Wade, Member of the FENS History Committee (2010-2014).
Document |
A Virtual Museum of Irish Brain Science |
Digital archive website to collate and present 0teworthy historical objects of Ireland’s brain science archives.
Website |
2017 |
Open URL
Albe-Fessard, Denise – France |
Biography of Albe-Fessard, Denise – France
Via SfN
Document |
Alzheimer, Alois – Germany |
Biography of Alzheimer, Alois – Germany
Via Ibro
Document |
Andersen, Per – Norway |
Biography of Andersen, Per – Norway
Via SfN
Document |
Angelo Mosso and his brain-mind problem, a seed for the modern brain imaging |
Documentation of Angelo Mosso’s outstanding and pioneering activity on the relationship between the mind and the brain.
Website |
2015 |
Open URL
Augusta Dejerine Klumpke (1859-1927). Commémoration du 160e anniversaire de sa naissance |
Commemoration of the 160th anniversary of the birth of Augusta Déjerine-Klumpke, an extraordinary neurologist and neuroanatomist, a forgotten pioneer woman of neuroscience. This project received the support of FENS under the history neuroscience call projects
Video |
Babinski, Joseph – Poland/France |
Biography of Babinski, Joseph – Poland/France
Via Ibro
Document |
Beritashvili, Ivan – Georgia/Russia |
Biography of Beritashvili, Ivan – Georgia/Russia
Via Ibro
Document |
Bernard, Claude – France |
Biography of Bernard, Claude – France
Document |
Blix, Gustraf – Sweden |
Biography of Blix, Gustraf – Sweden
Document |
Boycott, Brian B. – UK |
Biography of Boycott, Brian B. – UK
Via SfN
Document |
Brains by catalogue: surveying preserved Human brains in Portugal |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2018 |
Open URL
Brodmann, Korbinian – Germany |
Biography of Brodmann, Korbinian – Germany
Document |
Bures, Jan – Czech Republic |
Biography of Bures, Jan – Czech Republic
Via SfN
Document |
Cajal and the Spanish Neurological School: Neuroscience Would Have Been a Different Story Without Them |
Paper published by Fernando de Castro.
Website |
Open URL
Cajal, Santiago Ramon – Spain |
Biography of Cajal, Santiago Ramon – Spain
Document |
Cajal: Lessons on brain development |
Paper by Fernando de Castro, Laura López-Mascaraque and Juan A. De Carlos.
Document |
Cajal’s Interactions with Sherrington and the Croonian Lecture |
Paper published by Juan A. De Carlos and Zoltán Molnár.
Document |
Cajal’s Legacy: Past, Present and Future |
Historical video based on Ramón y Cajal’s life, highlighting his most important scientific milestones for building the birth of modern Neuroscience.
Video |
2014 |
Cajal’s Man on the Peripheral Nervous System |
Paper by Fernando de Castro.
Document |
Carlsson, Arvid – Sweden |
Biography of Carlsson, Arvid – Sweden
Via SfN
Document |
Cell Biology and Neuroscience at the Time of the Development of the Cell Theory |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2018 |
Open URL
Changeux, Jean-Pierre – France |
Biography of Changeux, Jean-Pierre – France
Via SfN
Document |
Charles Darwin’s works and early European neuroscience |
Video documentary covering the history of Darwinism and development of neuroscience in Europe.
Video |
2015 |
D. Santiago Ramon y Cajal- A life committed to neuroscience |
A production by The Human Brain Project with images donated by Prof. Javier DeFelipe. A parcial or total reproduction of this video is not allowed under any circumstances. © The Human Brain Project 2015.
Video |
De Renzi, Ennio – Italy |
Biography of De Renzi, Ennio – Italy
Via SfN
Document |
Discovery of the first neurotransmitter receptor |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Document |
2017 |
Dr John Lidwell-Durin – John Hughlings Jackson, Nerve-Genesis and Language |
Dr John Lidwell-Durin (History Faculty, University of Oxford) on “John Hughlings Jackson, Nerve-Genesis and Language”, at the FENS History Seminar on “History of Understanding of the Cerebral Cortex”, organised at St John’s College, University of Oxford, on 12 May 2015, by Prof. Zoltan Molnar.
Video |
Dr Laza K. Lazarevic, the founder of Serbian neurology |
The contributions of Dr Laza K. Lazarevic (1851-1891), the founder of Serbian neurology, to the development of neuroscience in Europe during the 19th century.
Website |
2014 |
Open URL
Dr Tom Quick – Stories of histological slides in the Sherrington Box |
Dr Tom Quick (Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford), on “Stories of histological slides in the Sherrington Box”, at the FENS History Seminar on “History of Understanding of the Cerebral Cortex”, organised at St John’s College, University of Oxford, on 12 May 2015, by Prof. Zoltan Molnar.
Video |
Dr. Damion Young – Historic digital repositories for the 21st Century |
Dr Damion Young (Medical Sciences Division Learning Technologies (MSDLT) on “Historic digital repositories for the 21st Century, Developing and using the https://history.medsci.ox.ac.uk/ – site. Using historical material in neuroscience teaching”, at the FENS History Seminar on “History of Understanding of the Cerebral Cortex”, organised at St John’s College, University of Oxford, on 12 May 2015, by Prof. Zoltan Molnar.
Video |
E.N. Sokolov the founder of vector psychophysiology in Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Website dedicated to the Russian scientist with a worldwide reputation, a specialist in the field of cognitive psychophysiology and neuroscience, E. N. Sokolov (1920-2008).
Website |
2018 |
Open URL
Economo, Constantin – Austria |
Biography of Economo, Constantin – Austria
Document |
Erica Charters in conversation with Zoltán Molnár: A History of Medicine perspective on Thomas Willis |
Professor Zoltán Molnár talks to Dr Erica Charters for a History of Medicine perspective on Oxford physician and Father of Neurology Thomas Willis.
Video |
Open URL
Euler, Curt – Sweden |
Biography of Euler, Curt – Sweden
Via SfN
Document |
FENS Outreach & Advocacy – flyer |
FENS aims to increase public awareness about the benefits of brain research.
Document |
2022 |
Friedrich Sanides: A unifying framework of cortical organization with ontogenetic, phylogenetic and functional ramifications |
Website |
2017 |
Open URL