Establishment and Maintenance of Brain Cell States

Participant fee (regular registration): 750 Euros

The optional guided tour will be a  visit to Louisiana Museum. We will have an English speaking guided tour at the museum.
Fee: 18 Euros
Find out more here:

Payment can be made via credit card or bank transfer, please complete the form below.

    Registrant Details

    Are you the person taking part in this activity?

    Please provide your details:


    Guided tour (Tuesday 25 April)

    Gala Dinner (Wednesday 26 April)

    How would you like to pay?

    Please note a 25 EUR FENS handling fee is added to bank transfer payments. IMPORTANT: This is in addition to regular bank charges for transfers. All bank charges, including transfer fees, must be paid by the sender.

    Please send your payment, free of charge for the beneficiary, to the bank account below (NOTE: this information and the total amount will also be emailed to you after submission of this form):

    Account holder: Stichting Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Marketing Foundation

    Bank: ING BANK N.V., Osdorpplein 113, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Account Address: Science Park 904 SILS-CNS, 1098XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    IBAN: NL45 INGB 0006 8694 29


    Please indicate the complete first name and last name of the registered person in addition to the name of the activity in the transfer communication.

    Your registration will be considered valid only upon receipt of your payment.

    Please send a copy of your registration confirmation together with the bank transfer receipt by email to the registration secretariat -