Take advantage of the International Neuroethics Society new member benefits

25 July 2017

Neuroscience News

25 July, 2017 in Neuroscience News

The International Neuroethics Society (INS) is now a member of the FENS, making connections with thousands of neuroscientists all over the world. FENS members can benefit from new opportunities.

INS is pleased to announce exciting new rewards for INS members.

Book Discounts – INS members are eligible for a 20–30% discount on a wide range of neuroethics books published by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Springer and Elsevier.


Meeting Support – The INS supports members organizing local and regional meetings, talks or seminars on neuroethics. Apply to receive up to $500 in support of your event.

Joint Membership Discounts – We have teamed up with the British Neuroscience Association to offer a 10% membership discount. Maintaining both memberships saves you 10% off the cost of each organization’s annual dues.

Advice and Mentoring – Do you need guidance pursuing a career in neuroethics? Our experts provide advice on career tracks, funding sources and research to fellow members as part of group and 1-on-1 activities.

Institutional Memberships – We offer discounts for institutions, universities and non-profit organizations whose faculty and staff are interested in joining the INS. Save 10-25% compared to the cost of individual memberships. 

The INS is now also a member of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), making connections with thousands of neuroscientists all over the world. 

Other existing member benefits still apply too:

  • Meeting Discounts – Reduced registration rates for the INS annual meeting
  • Journal Subscriptions – Discounted subscription rate for AJOB – Neuroscience
  • Special Invites – Invitations to all events organized and sponsored by the Society
  • Neuroethics News – The latest news and updates through our bi-weekly email

For more information, please visit INS website.