Stipends awarded for the Annual Meeting
13 March 2013
13 March, 2013 in FENS News
FENS offers 15 travel grants for the participation in the annual meeting of the SfN (San Diego, November 9 – 13, 2013). The successful applicants have been selected.
Congratulations to the following stipend winners:
Aalbers, Marlien (Netherlands)Bonini, Luca (Italy)Fernandez, Ruiz, Antonio(Spain)Fiáth, Richárd (Hungary)Gangarossa, Giuseppe (France)Ganguly, Krishnendu (Poland)Guzulaitis, Robertas (Lithuania)Malesza, Marta (Poland)Mecha, Miriam (Spain)Moloney, Rachel (Ireland)Mosienko, Valentina (Germany)Soldovieri, Maria Virginia (Italy)Teki, Sundeep (UK)van Kesteren, Marlieke (Netherlands)Wagner, Klaus (Germany)
The money will be distributed in cash onsite at the FENS booth in San Diego.