Statements from the President and President-Elect։ BREXIT and NEUROSCIENCE

02 July 2016


02 July, 2016 in FENS News

Professor Monica Di Luca, FENS president and professor Barry Everitt, FENS President-Elect, express their views on BREXIT and neuroscience.


10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience

2-6 July 2016 – Copenhagen, Denmark

“As a European scientist and as President of FENS, I am deeply concerned about the potential negative consequences for European neuroscience due to the decision of the UK to leave the EU.

Neuroscience – and research in general – has no borders and is by definition collaborative and transnational. It is thanks to this collaborative effort that breakthrough discoveries are made.”

Professor Monica Di Luca, FENS President.

“The UK’S decision to leave the EU may have a major impact on neuroscience research both in the UK and through its collaborations across Europe. These collaborations are vividly on display here at the FENS Forum in Copenhagen. UK neuroscience has been strongly supported by EU funding and the present situation is that the UK remains a member of the EU for at least two years and will continue with full engagement in the Horizon 2020 programme.”

Professor Barry Everitt, FENS President-Elect

Read the full statement here.