SfN is seeking input on the scientific program for Neuroscience 2018

21 December 2017

Society & Partner News

21 December, 2017 in Societies & Partner News

Proposals for symposia and minisymposia should be submitted by Monday, 8 January 2018, 5 p.m. EST.

Symposia and Minisymposia help shape the scientific direction of  Neuroscience 2018 by focusing on leading-edge research across the field. Junior faculty members/investigators and senior postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged to submit minisymposium proposals for the career-building opportunity to present research in a formal setting to a broad audience. Topics submitted for symposia and minisymposia should not have already been covered in recent years – you can refer to the Neuroscience 2017 scientific program to review what was presented last month. Collaborate with your colleagues and submit your proposal today.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact SfN’s Program staff at program@sfn.org. You must be an SfN member to submit. To activate your membership, go to sfn.org/renew or email membership@sfn.org