Tips for Young Scientists on the Junior Faculty/Independent Investigator Job Search The Hitchhiker’s Guide to a Neuroscience Career Your ticket to independence: a guide to getting your first Principal Investigator position (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) You are not alone: selecting your group members and leading an outstanding research team (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) The road to independence: how to get funding in neuroscience (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Getting published: how to write a successful neuroscience paper (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Opening up: open access publishing, data sharing, and how they can influence your neuroscience career (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Collaboration in neuroscience: the young PI perspective (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Balancing family with a successful career in neuroscience (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Moving on: mobility for early-career neuroscientists (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Writing a constructive peer review: a young PI perspective (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) Seizing balance and success during your PhD experience (EJN article) Core Competencies in European Graduate Neuroscience Training How Cortical Interneurons Develop: Current and Future Research Non-coding RNAs in Nervous System Function and Disease