PREMOS joins EBRA as new cluster
18 March 2021
The PREMOS cluster joined the EBRA project, focusing on Predictive Model Systems and aiming to enhance resource and data sharing using European Research Infrastructures.
The PREDICTIVE MODEL SYSTEMS (PREMOS) cluster has joined the European Brain Research Area (EBRA) project.
PREMOS: a new EBRA cluster
PREMOS aims to enhance the alignment of EU disease model development resources and preclinical research expertise with clinical and brain research community needs across academia and industry.
PREMOS is formed based on the following large networks and current EU-funded consortia:
- INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure
- PRISM – Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers
- EQIPD – European Quality in Preclinical Data
PREMOS aims to develop shared research priorities aligned to brain research & biopharmaceutical innovation community needs.
EBRA clusters promote cooperation and exchange
EBRA aims to facilitate the emergence of research projects in specific areas in active clusters, and therefore EBRA supports carefully selected clusters. An EBRA cluster is understood as a research community that can be directed towards basic research, clinical research and/or methodological approaches under a common topic and disease area within brain research.
EBRA clusters promote cooperation and exchange between brain research projects and networks. Learn more about existing EBRA clusters.
The EBRA Consortium consists of the EBC membership, the Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON), Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) and the Human Brain Project (HPB).