Position available: Editor-in-Chief, BrainFacts.org
23 March 2018
Neuroscience News
23 March, 2018 in Neuroscience News
SfN solicit nominations from its members for the BrainFacts.org EiC position.Nominations, or self-nominations, should be submitted by email to the Executive Director of the Society, Marty Saggese by 29 March 2018, at msaggese-eicsearch@sfn.org.
Please include a brief statement of why you are nominating this individual. All of those nominated will subsequently be invited to formally apply for the position if interested. The Search Committee plans to conduct interviews with a shortlist of top candidates between mid- May and early June, with an appointment expected to be confirmed by the SfN Council in August.
The mission of BrainFacts.org is to provide an online source of scientifically vetted public information about the wonders of the brain and mind for educators, learners of all ages, and policymakers. Since its launch in 2012, the site has had nearly 16 million page views and reached more than 8.3 million visitors, with a companion blog generating additional coverage. Half of the traffic comes from outside the United States, with high traffic from the UK, China, Australia, Norway, India, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, and many other nations worldwide.
The Editor-in-Chief works with the Editorial Board to advise SfN staff as they develop a consistent flow of accessible and original content, ensuring that all original and partner content supportBrainFacts.org’s role as an authoritative, trusted, and reliable source for information about the brain and neuroscience.
The members of the Search Committee are: Tracy Bale (UMBC), Deanna Benson (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Sarah Dunlop (University of Western Australia), Frances Jensen (UPenn), John Morrison (UC Davis), Nicholas Spitzer (UCSD), and Richard Wingate (King’s College, London).
For more information, please visit BrainFacts.org.