New Editorial in EJN: Open review and the quest for increased transparency in neuroscience publication

15 February 2017


15 February, 2017 in FENS News

Co-editors in chief John Foxe and Paul Bolam talk about the increasing demand and need for openness and transparency in publishing of scientific papers.
“In light of the increasing demand and need for openness and transparency in publishing of scientific papers, we the Editors-in-Chief of The European Journal of Neuroscience, have taken the decision to make our peer-review process more open and transparent. As of November 15th of 2016, coinciding with our Editorial Board Meeting at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego, we have instituted a new system of review whereby the full reviews and the entirety of the correspondence between the Editors-in-Chief, the Section Editors and our authors, including the names of the  Reviewers, will be made fully available online in parallel with the publication of the paper in our pages. Reviewers’ names and affiliations will also be incorporated into the final published paper to acknowledge their important contributions, alongside the Section Editor’s name; the latter having already been incorporated into papers at EJN over the past 2 years.”


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