Neuro opinion: reforming the academic system is a joint responsibility

24 April 2015


24 April, 2015 in FENS News

FENS Presidents Marian Joëls, Monica Di Luca and Barry Everitt recently published a paper about the academic system in the neuroscience area.



Neuro opinion: reforming the academic system is a joint responsibility
Joëls M., Di Luca M., Everitt B. J.
European Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 41, Issue 9, pages 1111–1112, May 2015
24 April 2015



The huge challenge of understanding the workings of the brain and mind are increasingly tractable because of an explosion in new and powerful methodologies that can be used in animals or humans or both. Over 15% of all scientific papers published worldwide are related to the brain or behaviour. Highly intelligent and capable young researchers are eager to be involved in neuroscience research and many are undoubtedly attracted by the possibility of answering questions that could barely be asked even 20 years ago. But there is also a dark side to our field that we need to understand and limit if we are to avoid losing talented young researchers at such an important moment.


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