National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year

06 March 2008


06 March, 2008 in FENS News

FENS launched a new activity, the “National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year”

We invite all national member societies to present once a year a national neuroscience highlight. We are happy to present the first contributions:

The Dutch Neurofederation presents:
Rescue of neurological deficits in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome by reduction of alphaCaMKII inhibitory phosphorylation
Van Woerden GM, Harris KD, Hojjati MR, Gustin RM, Qiu S, de Avila Freire R, Jiang YH, Elgersma Y, Weeber EJ
Nat Neurosci 2007, 10:280-282.

The Sociedad Española de Neurociencia presents:
Astrocytes potentiate transmitter release at single hippocampal synapses
Perea, G and Araque, A
Science; vol 317: nº 5841; pags 1083 – 1086; 2007

The Société des Neuroscience presents:
Reestablishment of damaged adult motor pathways by grafted embryonic cortical neurons
A. Gaillard, L. Prestoz, B. Dumartin, A. Cantereau, F. Morel, M. Roger & M. Jaber
Nature Neuroscience. 10, 1294-99. 2007

If you want to submit a scientific highlight, please find the form and instructions here.