Message from the FENS President

11 October 2018


11 October, 2018 in FENS News

We make FENS through our member societies. It is, thus, highly important to support our national societies. Being a member of your national society –and attending its national meeting in 2019– means being part of FENS.

It is only now a few months since I started using social media; Twitter, specifically. Although I was initially sceptical about embarking on this way of interacting and networking, and I still use it rather cautiously, I have now become an enthusiastic supporter of the opportunities that it offers. It helps me to stay in touch with the broader neuroscientific community, keep up-to-date with relevant publications, preprints, trends in opinions, and learn what is going on at multiple conferences worldwide.

In fact, it was through social media that I became aware of the extent of the shared enthusiasm of participants for FENS and the Forum in Berlin – its outstanding scientific programme, and the great opportunities it provided for interaction and discussion. Along with my own thrilling experience of the Forum, these follow-up expressions of joy and gratitude made me feel that FENS is a renovated and vibrant community. It is, thus, in this context that I would like to thank sincerely all Forum attendees for making this unique experience we shared in Berlin possible!

Many people can be highlighted for their special contribution to the Forum. Today, I would like to give special thanks to Paul Bolam and John Foxe, the editors-in-chief of EJN, our society journal. Their engagement at the meeting was fabulous. Not only did they organise the EJN Special and Prize lectures and a publishing workshop, but they also were present at the FENS booth where they tirelessly discussed the publishing process with potential authors. A Remarkable job and a remarkable journal!

Importantly, FENS is much more than the biennial Forum and is currently back at work with diverse activities and new enriched programmes (winter and summer training schools, The CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme, The Brain Conferences). There are also ongoing new initiatives and strengthened partnerships, such as the strategic collaboration with the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) on priority areas including scientific training and career development. In addition, in July 2019 we will have the FENS Regional Meeting in Belgrade. The programme is currently being finalised and it promises to be an outstanding conference.

We make FENS through our member societies. It is, thus, highly important to support our national societies. Being a member of your national society –and attending its national meeting in 2019– means being part of FENS.

Looking forward to continuing shaping FENS together in 2019!

Carmen Sandi,
FENS President