Message from Professor Barry Everitt, President of FENS, about the Federation’s journal, EJN

07 November 2017


07 November, 2017 in FENS News

New initiatives by editors John Foxe and Paul Bolam ensure that EJN publishes papers of the highest quality in all fields of neuroscience and provides rapid, rigorous, fair and totally transparent peer review.

Now is the time to submit your high-quality research to EJN. The journal is subscribed to by libraries across the world and is freely available to members of FENS and SfN – that means it directly reaches some 65,000 readers worldwide.  EJN is one of the top 20 most-cited neuroscience journals. 

Among new initiatives, EJN has recently introduced a transparent peer review system; review documents and editorial correspondence are available as a supplementary document attached to the published paper. This reflects the commitment of EJN to transparency in science. It has been well-received by authors and reviewers.

As a Society journal, EJN publishes papers across the entire field of neuroscience and is focused only on the scientific quality and rigour of papers, not fad or fashion. There are no submission or publication charges, nor charges for colour plates and the initial submission of papers can be in any format.

There is a highly diverse and internationally recognised board of Section Editors, including new editorial initiatives in clinical and translational neuroscience, as well as computational neuroscience. 

FENS also publishes:

  • Pre-registration studies – or “Registered Reports”
  • High-impact Editorials on controversial topics in the neurosciences, including rigour and reproducibility, and the evolution of data representation
  • Special Issues on highly contemporary topics, including in the past year Dopamine 2016 (a special issue to commemorate the 90th birthday of Ole Hornykiewicz)and Computational Neuroscience. Special issues planned for next year include Autism Spectrum Disorders, Evoked signals and Addiction

Most important, whilst an international journal, EJN is the official journal of FENS. The revenue generated by the journal is directly invested via FENS into FENS training and educational activities, which benefit the wide neuroscience community. 

Don’t prevaricate or chase the false promise of journal Impact factors, long delays and unreasonable additional experimental demands following review: Submit your research to EJN for speed, fairness and the widest international readership.