Improving Openness in Animal Research in Germany: second workshop announced
17 September 2018
Neuroscience News
17 September, 2018 in Neuroscience News
There is now greater openness in the public debate over animal research in many European countries and institutions. Progress has also been made in Germany by the research community to engage with the public on the issue of animal research, for example in the creation of Tierversuche-Verstehen, and the publication of the White Paper from the Max Planck Society on its animal research. However, there is still significant reluctance within many academic institutions, and amongst scientists, towards conducting a more open and consistent dialogue with the public. Many scientists are still afraid that speaking more openly will make them targets, while others lack the confidence to put the case for animal research in what they view as a potentially hostile media and sceptical public.
This discussion, designed for members of the German biomedical sector, is to help researchers and institutions that wish to be more open about the animal research they carry out. The event will focus on why scientists, researchers, press officers and other stakeholders should talk about animal research, but it will not to be a debate about the ethics of animal experimentation.
This discussion is for members of institutions that are either directly, or indirectly, involved in animal research and are currently hesitant to speak out in the media or to participate in public engagement activities. We hope that this and similar regional events, organised by EARA, will help kick-start a cultural change within Germany on this issue.
(Registration begins from 13:30 and a drinks reception will follow the discussion 17:00 – 18:00). Follow the link to register: