History Corner Poster Competition at the FRM 2019

30 November 2018


30 November, 2018 in FENS News

The FENS History Committee has launched a History Corner poster competition. Come and visit the History Corner at the FENS Regional Meeting (FRM) 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia (10-13 July), where you will have the opportunity to learn more about the History of Neuroscience in Serbia, Romania and Turkey.

Selected posters will be exhibited first in the Gallery of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and then at the History Corner during the FENS Regional Meeting 2019. The best poster prize will cover the registration fee to the FRM 2019 and travel to Belgrade.

The winner will also present his/her poster during the History Symposium held at the FRM 2019. If you are interested in the history of neuroscience in Serbia, Romania or Turkey and you would like to see your poster displayed at a major European neuroscience event, apply now.

Deadline: 25 February 2019.

Submit your poster by clicking here.

For more information about the FENS Regional Meeting 2019, please visit the FRM 2019 website.