Free iBook: Primates in Medical Research

03 September 2013


03 September, 2013 in FENS News


How do researchers work with primates? Which species do they use? What has research with primates revealed? How are the primates looked after?These are the questions answered in the new iBook, Primates in Medical Research.

The iBook features recent video clips recorded in primate research and breeding facilities in the UK, US and Israel. Its galleries include over 80 images of primates that illustrate the iBook’s 71 pages, along with archive material and a timeline showing medical advances with primates stretching back a century.

Primates in Medical Research is free to download from iTunes and can be viewed on iPads at:

This is the first version of Primates in Medical Research so please email any comments for later versions to Richard at

A PDF version can be downloaded here.