FENS travel grants for SfN meeting in Washington awarded
02 September 2011
02 September, 2011 in FENS News
FENS travel grants for SfN meeting in Washington awarded
FENS awarded 16 travel grants for the participation in the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) (November 12-16, 2011) in Washington, USA.
The selection process was highly competetive: FENS had received 360 applications.
The travel grants amount to 1.000,– Euro and can be picked up at the FENS booth (number 3318) upon presentation of a photo identification document.
The following applicants receive a travel grant:
- Konstantinos Ampatzis (Sweden)
- Daniela Arduíno (Portugal)
- Rémi Bos (France)
- Leonidas Chouliaras (Netherlands)
- Frederic Gambino (Switzerland)
- Elad Ganmor (Israel)
- Knut Kirmse (Germany)
- Miriam Klein-Flügge (UK)
- Meng Liang (UK)
- Marina Mikhaylova (Germany)
- Marta Navarrete (Spain)
- Justyna Pielecka-Fortuna (Germany)
- Elena Ribe (UK)
- Markus Wöhr (Germany)
- Nada Yousif (UK)
- Bram Zandbelt (Netherlands)