FENS offers travel grants for the 2nd FALAN Congress

22 July 2016


22 July, 2016 in FENS News

FENS provides travel grants to help young investigators, PhD or MS students to attend FALAN Congress 2016 in Buenos Aires.

These grants – of up to 1.200 each – are intended to cover the FALAN Congress 2016 registration fee and the associated travel expenses.

Candidates must be young investigators, PhD or MSc students residing in a European country.

How to submit an application for a travel grant

Submit the application via the following online form.
Application must include:
– Short CV (two page max: education, 3 higher impact papers, 3 more important meeting presentations, awards);
– Abstract as presenting-first author (in English, 1500 characters max including spaces, without figures, tables or references);
– A short justification of the necessity of the grant.

Application deadline: 10 August 2016.

More Information:
The organising committee will publish the list of the travel grant awardees on the FALAN website on 15 August 2016. 

Candidates should not be the receipients of other grants related to the FALAN Congress.
Applicants attending the FALAN Congress only if awarded with a travel grant can register after the announcement of the travel grant awardees, and pay the early-bird registration fee.

For more information, please visit the FALAN website