FENS Forum 2016: Extension of Early Registration and abstract submission

02 February 2016


02 February, 2016 in FENS News

FENS announces the extraordinary extension of early registration and abstract submission for the 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience.

Registration rates during the last hours before the deadline for early registration today has greatly exceeded the expected level leading to longer than usual server response times. FENS President Monica Di Luca has therefore approved an extension of the deadline for early registration and abstract submission until midnight (CET) on 8 February 2016. 

FENS encourages everyone to secure their early registration to the FENS Forum of Neuroscience in Copenhagen in due time, well in advance of the new deadline. FENS and the entire registration team will remain available to assist everyone that experience problems during the registration process.

IMPORTANT: The deadline for applying for a FENS-IBRO/PERC travel grant will not be extended beyond Wednesday 3rd 2016 (24:00 CET) Scientists that wish to submit an application for a FENS-IBRO/PERC travel grant should proceed to registering and submit an abstract before 3rd February at 12PM. The platform for submitting applications will not be available after this deadline.