FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize 2018

19 October 2016


19 October, 2016 in FENS News

Time to nominate: The FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize is given in recognition of outstanding scientific work in any area of neuroscience.

This is a personal prize of £ 7,000.

Deadline for application: 13 February 2017.

Eligibility and requirements:

  • Candidates must be working in a European institution or be of European origin.
  • Scientists may self-nominate or be nominated by fellow neuroscientists.
  • Age limit is 35 years (at the nomination deadline)
  • The prize winner shall give the EJN Award special lecture at the FENS Forum 2018 in Berlin (7 – 11 July 2018) 
  • The awardee is required to write a review article for EJN.


  • Short CV
  • A one page statement of research interests and achievements to date
  • A list of up to 10 publications
  • Short summary of current research
  • List of scientists in the field willing to provide a letter of recommendation


A Committee formed by members of the FENS Executive Committee and the co-Editors-in-Chief of EJN will evaluate the applications. The committee will meet in March and the recipient of the prize will be notified by April 1, 2017. 

For further details nominations, please visit FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize 2018 page.