Emre Yaksi receives FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize 2014

10 April 2013


10 April, 2013 in FENS News

Emre Yaksi receives FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize 2014

The FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize is given in recognition of outstanding scientific work in any area of neuroscience. This is a personal prize of 7,000 GBP. In 2014, the award will be presented to Emre Yaksi.

What are the fundamental principles underlying the functioning of the brain? Neuroscientists have tackled various parts of this question in isolated neurons, cell cultures and brain slices. Yet the brain is a complex system that functions as a whole. It is therefore crucial to develop novel technologies to monitor the activity, to measure the connectivity and to perturb functional elements of neural circuits, in vivo. Throughout his career, Dr. Emre Yaksi developed and used optical, electrophysiological and genetic tools for studying neural computation in small genetically tractable animals, namely fruitfly and zebrafish. The unique combination of these novel technologies enables neuroscientists to design innovative experiments to study neural circuits, which were unthinkable only a few years ago.