EJN Virtual Issue on the Basal Ganglia

26 March 2017


26 March, 2017 in FENS News

A frequently occurring theme in many of the papers and reviews of EJN is the basal ganglia. These papers include basic studies on the cellular and molecular organization of the basal ganglia in animals, functions of the basal ganglia in animals and humans, and studies of basal ganglia diseases in both animal models and patients.

The close association of EJN with basal ganglia research is reflected in the expertise of the senior editorial team, many of whom have published extensively in the field. 

EJN will continue this association by publishing a virtual special issue to correspond with the 12th International Basal Ganglia Society Meeting (IBAGS). This year, the IBAGS is being held in Mérida, México (March 26-30, 2017).  The triennial IBAGS meeting has been held since the early 80’s and is the foremost research conference on the basal ganglia at which all aspects of basal ganglia research in health and disease are hotly discussed. To coincide with this meeting, we will publish a virtual issue of EJN on the Basal Ganglia. The papers are a selection of those published in EJN over the past few years. They include all aspects of basal ganglia research and exemplify the commitment of EJN, as a general neuroscience journal, to basal ganglia research.    

Look for the Virtual Issue Soon!







Figure Legend:

The cover image is of a frontal section of mouse brain showing many regions of the basal ganglia and was supplied by Natalie Doig (MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, Department of Pharmacology, Oxford).  The section was triple-immunostained to reveal tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; cyan), parvalbumin (PV; green) and choline acetyltransferase (magenta).  The dense staining for TH reveals the axon and terminals of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons.  The striatum is also peppered with PV-positive GABA interneurons and cholinergic interneurons.  The external segment of the globus pallidus is rich is PV-positive GABAergic neurons. The dense distribution of cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain extends more sparsely up into the globus pallidus.  Note the very prominent PV staining of the GABAergic neurons of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus.  

Click here to access EJN Virtual Issue.