Call for ideas for 2018 training activities open

25 August 2016


25 August, 2016 in FENS News

FENS and its partners invite scientists from all domains in neuroscience, to support the FENS educational and training programme in 2018, by providing their input in the form of ideas for topics and themes.

Ideas for topics and themes for the following educational and training activities in 2018 are welcome by 30 September 2016 at the latest:

This call for ideas represents an open channel for neuroscientists at all stages of their career and from all backgrounds to propose topics and themes to FENS and its partners, which they consider of interest for the neuroscience community. In this manner, neuroscientists themselves can influence the direction and content of these schools and advanced training courses, offered in Europe.

Please note that the call for ideas does NOT represent a call for organisers for these educational events. 

To submit your idea and get more information, please click on this link.