Brain Awareness Week funds 2010
17 February 2010
17 February, 2010 in FENS News
In 2010, the directors of the Dana Foundation again approved a grant to FENS. This money together with an additional allowance from the Federation enabled the funding of small grants to several European Brain Awareness Week partner organisations for public presentation during the campaign.
Click here to read the final report on the BAW 2010.
FENS distributed these grants in a competitive procedure. A call for applications was launched and the best projects were funded. 72 applications from 26 different European countries were submitted, 27 projects in 20 different European countries could be supported. The following BAW events (listed in alphabetical order by country) were selected for funding:
1. Julie Maetens (Charleroi, Belgium) “Pas si betes! 1001 cerveaux”
2. Roland Pochet (Brussels, Belgium) BAW day at EU parliament
3. Maja Valic (Split, Croatia) Brain and Senses
4. Olaf Paulson (Copenhagen, Denmark) “Show me your brain and I tell you who you are”
5. Heikki Tanila (Joensuu, Finland) SciFest – Hands on brain
6. Isabelle Le Brun (Grenoble, France) The brain under influence
7. Katharina Braun (Magdeburg, Germany) 7th Magdeburg brain day
8. Domna Karagogeos (Athens, Greece) BAW activities in Greece 2010
9. Illana Gozes (Tel Aviv, Israel) BAW in Isreal
10. Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer (Rome, Italy) The brain for little kids
11. Piero Battaglini (Trieste, Italy) Neuroscience at the theatre: The electroshock
12. Antonella Forgelli (Rome, Italy) The knowledge of neuroscience in the development of new models for teaching and learning
13. Nijole Midttun (Vilnius, Lithuania) Brain health at work: Network
14. Anna Kaczmarek (Lublin, Poland) Brain – The neverending story
15. Wioletta Waleszcyk (Warsaw, Poland) BAW 2010 in Warsaw
16. Maria Teresa Girao (Coimbra, Portugal) A ride into perception
17. Luisa Lopes (Lisbon, Portugal) “What goes on in your mind?” – Brain and art
18. Manuela Pandurariu (Iasi, Romania) BAW at “Socola” hospital Iasi
19. Martina Starc (Ljublana, Slovenia) The brain in love, happiness and passion
20. Maria-Trinidad Herrero (Murcia, Spain) Research and innovation on nervous system diseases: Are we on the right track?
21. Mara Dierssen (Barcelona, Spain) Brain and Art: The creative brain
22. Jennifer Steiner (Lund, Sweden) Brain and fun: Interactive learning for kids
23. Andreas Papassotiropoulos (Basel, Switzerland) Brain research: News in Basel
24. Maarten Frens (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Neuroscinetists at school
25. Ferhan Esen (Eskisehir, Turkey) Let’s explore the brain and sense organs
26. Anya Hurlbert (Newcastle, UK) BAW 2010 at Newcastle
27. Jamie Weiss (Sheffield, UK) Talks on nerve cell communication during BAW in primary and secondary school