BNA2013: Festival of Neuroscience 7th-10th April 2013, London, UK

16 August 2012


16 August, 2012 in FENS News

BNA2013: Festival of Neuroscience 7th-10th April 2013, London, UK

Eight plenary lectures will be given by world-renowned speakers. There will be 56 scientific sessions involving more than 240 British and international speakers, and around 1000 poster presentations representing all aspects of brain research.

Hosted by the British Neuroscience Association, the Festival will be a unique event. We are delighted that 18 learned societies with an interest in neuroscience – both clinical and non-clinical – are our partners. Together we have created a meeting in which the hottest topics in neuroscience research will be covered.

The Festival will take place at the Barbican Centre, one of London’s leading arts venues. We are taking full advantage of this hub of entertainment and in parallel with the academic meeting the Wellcome Trust is producing a programme of events to capture the public’s imagination and to share information about the brain and brain research.

We look forward to seeing you in London at BNA2013, please click here for more information about the event and to book your place.