15 new FENS-Kavli scholars announced

06 July 2016


06 July, 2016 in FENS News

At the FENS Forum 2016 in Copenhagen, 15 new outstanding FENS-Kavli Scholars were elected from an extraordinarily strong pool of talented neuroscientists from across Europe.

The new Scholars were announced by Monica Di Luca during her welcome to the FENS Forum in Copenhagen and further introduced during a ceremony on 5 July as part of the FENS Forum 2016 in Copenhagen. The names and profiles of all Scholars are available on the FENS-Kavli Scholars webpage at www.fenskavlinetwork.org.

The mission of the FENS-Kavli scholars is to promote the advancement of neuroscience in Europe and beyond by putting the young investigators in the drivers seat. 

To access the full media release, please click here.

To know more about the new FENS-Kavli scholars, please visit www.fenskavlinetwork.org.