Webinar: Communicating science to wider audiences
Organiser: Other
Attendance type(s): Virtual
Event Dates: 20 Aug 2021
Registration Deadline: 20 Aug 2021
Suitable for undergrdauate and postgraduates students across the sciences, the 1.5 hour webinar covers:
The importance of communication in science
Different ways of reporting research
Communicating to student audiences
Communicating to academics
Communicating with non-academic audiences
Communicating to the general public
Communicating with policymakers and stakeholders
What makes well communicated science?
Communicating science: employability
Contact Details
Name: Dr Stacey Bedwell
Email: staceybedwell@googlemail.com
URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/communicating-science-to-wider-audiences-tickets-164308341673