Cajal course on Neuroepigenetics: writing, reading and erasing the epigenome
Organiser: CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training
Additional Organiser: ERA-Net Neuron
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 21 Nov—9 Dec 2022
- 21/11/2022
- 09/12/2022
Registration Deadline: 22 Aug 2022
Apply here:
This course is a theoretical and practical training on the recently emerged field of neuroepigenetics. It will provide an overview of the current concepts and knowledge on the nature and functions of the epigenome in the nervous system, its modes of regulation and its link to brain health and disease. It will combine lectures and hands-on projects to learn about state-of-the-art approaches and methodologies to study how the epigenome is established and modulated by behaviour in rodents and invertebrates, what machinery is involved and what is its causal relationship to functions. It will include methods in behaviour, epigenetics, (epi)genome editing, molecular and cell biology, -omics and bioinformatics.
This course wishes to foster the development of neuroepigenetics as a key discipline in the neurosciences, and train and educate young researchers expected to contribute to the field in the near future. It is intended for PhD students and early career postdocs who wish to acquire good bases and broad knowledge of the field.
Course directors
Angel Barco (UMH-CSIC Alicante, ES)
Bartek Wilczyński (University of Warsaw, PL)
André Fischer (DZNE, DE)
Keynote Speakers
Anne-Laurence Boutillier – LNCA, Strasbourg, France
Goncalo Castelo Branco – Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Johannes Gräff– EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Elizabeth A Heller – Penn Epigenetics Institute, Philadelphia, USA
Denes Hnisz– Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
Aleksandra Pekowska– Dioscuri Center of Chromatin Biology and Epigenomics, Poland
Mykhailo Batiuk – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Davide Coda – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Charles Decraene – LNCA, Strasbourg, France
Beatriz del Blanco Pablos – Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC, Spain
Aleksander Jankowski – Institute of informatics, Warsaw, Poland
Lalit Kaurani – DZNE, Göttingen, Germany
Marta Kullis – IDIBABS, Barcelona, Spain
Stéphanie Legras – IGBMC, Strasbourg, France
Jose Lopez Atalaya – Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC, Spain
Pierre-Eric Lutz – INCI, Strasbourg, France
Magdalena Machnicka – Institute of informatics, Warsaw, Poland
Marta Alaiz Noya – Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC, Spain
Isabel Paiva – LNCA, Strasbourg, France
Jose Sanchez-Mut – Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC, Spain
Sophie Schroeder – DZNE, Göttingen, Germany
Tanya Vavouri – Pujol Research Institute, Badalona, Spain
Contact Details
Name: CAJAL Central Administration