8th Science Factory: TMS-EEG Summer School and Workshop
Espoo, FI
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 15—20 May 2020
It is our great pleasure to announce that the Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (NBE) at Aalto University School of Science will organize the 8th Science Factory: TMSEEG Workshop and Summer School, on May 15 20, 2020. The Science Factory main venue is the Solvalla Sports Institute next to Nuuksio National Park. It is located only 35 km from Helsinki, in a beautiful place by a lake.
Thats not all! The 8th Science Factory will happen in partnership with the 6th Annual Brain Stimulation and Imaging Meeting (BrainSTIM 2020) which will also be held in Espoo, Finland, on May 20 21. Participants from the Science Factory will attend the first day of BrainSTIM 2020 and have a special discount for the full event.
Important information:
Early bird registration: January 15, 2020
Late registration: January 31, 2020
Science Factory dates: May 15 20, 2020
Science Factory instructions and registration form: https://www.aalto.fi/en/events/8th-science-factory-tms-eeg-summer-school-and-workshop
BrainSTIM dates: May 20 21, 2020
BrainSTIM 2020: https://www.brainstim-meeting.org/
This year, we will have interactive lectures and discussion panels on the latest scientific results in TMS and TMSEEG. There will be hands-on sessions, data analysis, and several social activities to integrate with the best researchers in the field.
Hurry up! The number of students is limited, so the sooner you apply the better.
You may follow us on Facebook (page and event) to get the latest updates.
– Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tmseeg/
– Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3794569453901858/
Contact Details
Email: sara.liljander@aalto.fi