4th Frequency-Following Response Workshop – 8-10 June 2022 – University of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
Historic Building of the University of Barcelona
Organiser: Other
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 08—10 Jun 2022
Registration Deadline: 1 Jun 2022
The Frequency Following Response (FFR) is a sustained auditory evoked potential that has gained recent interest in auditory cognitive neuroscience over the past few years, as it captures with great fidelity the tracking accuracy of periodic sound features in the ascending auditory system. By analyzing the FFR it is possible to read neural traces from the scalp as sounds are transcribed in the neuronal aggregates and how these neural sound traces are shaped by different auditory experiences, context, and challenging conditions, such as listening in noise, with age and in speech and language disorders. Moreover, the number of developmental studies recording the FFR during the first years of life in healthy and clinical conditions are growing exponentially, as the FFR provides a neurophysiological correlate of language acquisition and processing.
Despite its popularity, a lot remains unknown about the FFR: what are the underlying processes involved in generating the response and what do the components making up the FFR reflect exactly? What kind of analyses are most appropriate to characterize the response? And what does inter-individual variability in the FFR signify? The aim of this workshop is to bring the FFR community together and to open up the discussion on the origins and interpretation of the response, explore new recording and analysis techniques, and discuss hot topics in this rapidly evolving field.
Confirmed Speakers
Erika Skoe (keynote), University of Connecticut
Gavin Bidelman (keynote), University of Memphis
Bharath Chandrasekaran (keynote), University of Pittsburgh
Gabriella Musacchia, University of the Pacific
Tobias Teichert, University of Pittsburgh
Jennifer Krizman, Northwestern University
Teresa Ribas-Prats, University of Barcelona
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline 1 March 2022
Notification of abstract acceptance 20 March 2022
Early registration Until 20 April 2022
Late registration 21 April – 1 June 2022
Congress dates 8-10 June 2022
Registration fees
Early payment (until 20 April 2022)
Students: 75 €
Postdocs/PIs: 125 €
Late payment (21 April – 1 June 2022)
Students: 100 €
Postdocs/PIs: 200 €
Contact Details
Name: Historic Building of the University of Barcelona
Address: Aribau Street, 2 08011 Barcelona
Email: FFR2022workshop@ub.edu