Virtual European Basic Course in Neuropathology
Organiser: Other
Attendance type(s): Virtual
Event Dates: 20 Apr 2022
Registration Deadline: 22 Apr 2022
The basic course in neuropathology is meant for those who do not have the benefit of structured neuropathological training for and in their professional neuropathological activities. The course is intended for trainees in general pathology, neuropathology, neurology or neurosurgery but also for neurobiologists and PhD students in neurological sciences. Specifically, for those who, in the course of their PhD research, will be involved with the neuropathology of, for example, neurodegenerative diseases, developmental diseases, brain tumours or white matter diseases.
The virtual program consists of 6 sessions:
- General neuropathology
- Developmental neuropathology & epilepsy
- Infectious & inflammatory diseases of the nervous system
- Neurodegeneration & prion diseases
- Muscle pathology & metabolic diseases
- Neuro-oncology
In these sessions experts in the various fields will give overviews of the latest insights. In various ways interaction with the audience will be sought: Q&A, case discussions, polls and live demo of digital microscopy. Prior to the start of the course, the participants will receive a link to case material which includes digital microscopy. You can download the tentative detailed program here (pdf).
Organizers: Prof. Wilfred den Dunnen, Chairman Euro-CNS Educational Committee
Prof. Joachim Weis, Co-organizer Basic Courses
Colin Smith, Edinburgh
Homa Adle-Biassette, Paris
Marianna Bugiani, Amsterdam
Eleonora Aronica, Amsterdam
Maria Thom, London
Werner Stenzel, Berlin
Christine Stadelmann, Göttingen
Wilfred den Dunnen, Groningen
Joachim Weis, Aachen
Gabor Kovacs, Toronto
Kristl Claeys, Leuven
Max Kros, Rotterdam
Christian Hartmann, Hannover
David Capper, Berlin
Accreditation for the course is being requested from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).
Contact Details
Name: Euro-CNS Secretariat
Phone: 59995136082