Human Brain Project & Dutch Neuroscience: Shaping Collaborations
Amsterdam, NL
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 14 Feb 2020
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a large EU-funded project of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship program, employing scientists and engineers from more than 100 European universities, hospitals and research institutions. The projects goal is to interconnect computer science, medicine and neuroscience to accelerate the understanding of the human brain and its diseases, and to harness that knowledge to the benefit of the society.
To achieve this, the project is building EBRAINS, the worlds first integrated ICT infrastructure for brain research and development, offering growing capabilities for neuroinformatics, brain simulation, medical informatics, neuromorphic computing and neurorobotics, underpinned by high-performance analytics and computing. The development of EBRAINS is supported by involvement of neuroscientists active in HBP.
In this one-day event HBP experts and leadership will present EBRAINS, and demonstrate the capacities of the underlying HBP platforms. They will present a range of opportunities for engagement of researchers in the projects activities. These presentations will be coupled to talks by Dutch researchers who may be interested in using HBP facilities in the near future. The goals of the event are to make potential users aware of the HBP infrastructure, plus opportunities for grants and services to foster collaborations;
to stimulate interaction with HBP developers and researchers;
to promote growth of the Dutch research community using HBP facilities.
The event will be open for the wider research community.
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