How a society journal handles your paper – Special interest event at the FRM 2021

Organiser: International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)

Additional Organiser: European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN)

Attendance type(s): Virtual

Event Dates: 26 Aug 2021

How does a society journal handle your paper?
The aim of this event is to inform researchers (with an emphasis on those in the early career stage) on various aspects of the scholarly research and communication process. To provide helpful information, the focus will be on the following topics: How Society journals such as the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN) and Neuroscience handle submissions; the importance of peer review; and insight into how the publishing process works, taking as examples EJN and Neuroscience, the flagship journals of FENS and IBRO, respectively.


  • Juan Lerma, Editor-in-Chief of Neuroscience, the flagship journal of IBRO, Instituto de Neurociencias, CSIC-UMH, Alicante, Spain
  • John Foxe, Editor-in-Chief of European Journal of Neuroscience, the journal of FENS, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY. USA


  • How a Society Journal handles your paper – Juan Lerma, Neuroscience
  • Transparent review, adequate data illustrations, the fallacy of p-values, and the misuse and abuse of metrics in Neuroscientific publishing – John Foxe, EJN
Organised by Neuroscience IBRO.

This special interest event is organised as part of the FENS Regional Meeting 2021. Registration is waived for all FENS members.

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