Fourth BigBrain Workshop: Launch of the Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics Learning Laboratory (HIBALL)
Montreal, CA
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 26 Jun 2020
After three successful BigBrain workshops held 2015 in Jülich, 2017 in Montreal, and 2019 in Jülich again, we are pleased to announce the 4th workshop on the BigBrain to launch the Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics Learning Laboratory (HIBALL). < br/ > < br/ >
The BigBrain ( has become an indispensable tool for brain mapping, enabling the integration of multimodal data into an anatomically realistic standard space. In a joint effort, researchers from McGill University in Montreal and the Forschungszentrum Jülich used 7404 digitized histological sections and developed the BigBrain as a 3D model of the human brain in very high resolution (Amunts et al., Science 2013). < br/ > < br/ >
The newly established Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics Learning Laboratory (HIBALL) takes up on this cross-continental cooperation, and aims to develop next-generation high-resolution human brain models with the help of state of the art Machine and Deep Learning (ML/DL) methods and high-performance computing (HPC) architectures. HIBALL wants to build a microscopic 3D map of functional neuroanatomy at the cellular level, and extend it with additional data modalities that include chemo- and fibrearchitecture. The lab especially targets the application of this future brain model for neuroimaging, brain-inspired AI research and multi-scale brain simulation. In order to allow wide access to the developed brain models, HIBALL will streamline BigBrain infrastructure solutions to become highly interoperable with the data standards and repositories being established by the large brain initiatives. < br/ > < br/ >
The 4th BigBrain workshop is dedicated to the formal inauguration of HIBALL and we are looking forward to welcome the BigBrain community and friends to take part in the opening.
The workshop is designed as a symposium with invited talks, covering recent work on the BigBrain data. However, to provide room for more in-depth discussion and also opportunity for young researchers to present their work, we offer a poster session. We welcome short abstracts of current work and/or short proposals for future initiatives related to the BigBrain. Topics to be considered will include:
< ul >
< li > Methods and algorithms to analyze the BigBrain, especially (but not necessarily) concerning < /li >
< ul >
< li > registration < /li >
< li > segmentation and mapping of cortical layers, areas, and subcortical structures < /li >
< li > visualization and annotation tools < /li >
< li > deep learning and machine learning approaches < /li >
< /ul >
< li > HPC aspects of managing, storing and processing big data (high resolution and/or very large volume) < /li >
< li > Studies and teaching activities around the BigBrain < /li >
< /ul >
Please submit a short abstract by 5 June 2020.
The event is free, but registration is mandatory. Please register by 29 May 2020 at the latest. Lunch will be served.
Host: McGill University
Information about the event:
Registration (free, but mandatory – closes 29th May):
Abstract Submission for Poster (deadline 5th June, 2020):
Contact Details