FENS 2020 Virtual Forum of Neuroscience
Virtual, Event, GB
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 11—15 Jul 2020
The FENS 2020 Virtual Forum will take place from 11-15 July 2020 and will be held as a fully virtual meeting. The FENS Forum is Europe’s largest international neuroscience meeting, covering the field from basic to translational research.
Development, cognition, diseases of the ageing brain, stem cells and genetics are just a few of the key topics to be covered in an outstanding scientific programme.
By uniting thousands of participants, the FENS Forum is the meeting point for the world’s top experts, mid-career scientists, post-docs and students.
Key dates for your calendar:
– 20 April 2020: Final deadline for submission of Forum events proposals (business meetings, networking events and satellite events) ??
– 18 May 2020: Extended deadline for early registration
We look forward to seeing you online!
Keep up to date at www.fens.org/2020
Carmen Sandi – FENS President
Fritjof Helmchen – Programme Committee, Chair
Trevor Bushell – Host Society Committee, Chair
Time: 09:00 to 18:00
Category: Conferences | Science, Health and Medicine
Early registration fee for student members (subject to change): EUR 130.00
Speakers: Jan Born, Rosa Cossart, Rui Costa, Karl Deisseroth, Sonia Garel, Sheena Josselyn, Eve Marder, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Erin Schuman, Carla Shatz