European Life After Stroke Forum
Barcelona, ES
Attendance type(s): Virtual
Event Dates: 12 Mar 2021
On 12 March 2021, SAFE will be hosting the first European Life After Stroke Forum at the Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza in Barcelona, Spain.
SAFE is the voice of stroke patients, survivors and carers in Europe, representing a range of stroke support organisations from more than 30 European countries. Life after stroke is a key priority for SAFE who recognise the need to promote this neglected area of the care pathway holistically.
To address this issue, SAFE has committed to organising a first of its kind event in Europe in 2021 a one day Life After Stroke Forum. This will create an opportunity for those who have an interest in this area, whether from a research, policy, advocacy, or support oriented perspective, to come together to share and network.
Our programme is being developed by our scientific committee, which is drawn from European countries, and includes a range of patient representatives, academics and researchers. The committee is chaired by Professor Avril Drummond from the University of Nottingham in the UK.
The programme covers a range of topical issues in life after stroke as well as cutting- edge developments in response to COVID-19. It will comprise keynote lectures by eminent invited speakers supplemented by contributed talks and a poster session. Our draft programme is here.
We are now seeking abstracts for the 1st European Life After Stroke Forum, for the opportunity to present either a ten-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.
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