Brain Awareness Week Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos
Toledo, ES
Attendance type(s): In Person
Event Dates: 16—18 Mar 2020
The Brain Awareness Week 2020 at the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos is an outreach activity proposed by the HNP Divulga collective to show the research carried out at the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos to a local and national audience and to demonstrate the value of research among students, focusing on the importance of neuroscience. The students of secondary schools will be guided through educational tours conceived to explain how research projects are developed and how the obtained results can improve the life of SCI patients. Besides, scientifics of the Research Unit will visit primary schools to introduce the kids to neuroscience and to show them how the brain process sensory information.With these activities, the researches want to foster vocations in the field of neuroscience among students.
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