“Barrel Cortex” – EPFL Neurosymposium 2022

Organiser: Other


Attendance type(s): In Person

Event Dates: 06—8 Jul 2022

Registration Deadline: 8 Jun 2022

In 1970, Woolsey and van der Loos discovered that the tactile whiskers on the rodent snout were individually represented in the primary somatosensory cortex by somatotopically-arranged anatomical units, which they termed ‘barrels’. These precise barrel maps have fascinated neuroscientists ever since their discovery and have allowed detailed structure-function analyses. This symposium celebrates more than 50 years of barrel cortex research focusing on the latest advances in diverse topics including orofacial sensation and motor control, whisker sensory coding, barrel cortex circuits, long range circuits, development and plasticity.

Contact Details

Name: Carl Petersen

Address: Brain Mind Institute EPFL-SV-BMI-GE Station 19 CH-1015 Lausanne

Email: brain_mind@epfl.ch

URL: https://www.epfl.ch/schools/sv/bmi/