2021 annual SRNT-Europe Conference

Lausanne, CH

Organiser: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco – Europe Chapter (SRNT-E)

Attendance type(s): Virtual

FENS members will benefit from preferential rates

Event Dates: 15—17 Sep 2021

The 21st European annual conference of the Society for Nicotine and Tobacco research (SRNT-E) will take place virtually, from the 15th to the 17th of September 2021. This conference attracts scientists from all of Europe as well as from other continents (Australia, USA).
The mission of the SRNT-E is to “stimulate the generation of new knowledge concerning nicotine and tobacco at any level of research from molecular to societal”. The annual meeting is the opportunity for the research community to present its latest findings, to exchange research information on nicotine and tobacco and to encourage the new generation of academics to present and share their data and build a network.
We will welcome keynote lectures, symposia and free communications around the following themes: pre-clinical/basic science; clinical; epidemiology; public health; policy/economy.


Early registration deadline: 14 July 2021

Contact Details

Email: carole.clair@unisante.ch