Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS)

FEPS is the Federation of European Physiological Societies.
Researchers can apply for membership to the physiological society in their own country. Members of FEPS member societies are entitled to have access and apply for all benefits provided by FEPS. There are already 35 countries that are FEPS members.

Status: Associate Member Society

President: Prof. Sue Wray


Member Benefits

Members of FEPS member countries can have access and apply for the following benefits:
– Reduced registration to FEPS meetings.
– FEPS travel awards: Every year, 10 travel awards are provided to early career physiologists to attend FEPS meetings or major physiology meetings.
– Access to Acta Physiologica: Acta Physiologica is the official journal of FEPS.
– Organisation of European Young Physiologists’ Symposium for and by early career physiologists with FEPS support
– Poster and oral commication awards at FEPS meetings

Apply for FENS membership via this society

Visit this URL to submit your application: https://www.feps.org