Danish Society for Neuroscience
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
Status: Full Member Society
President: Professor. Tiit Illimar Mathiesen
President Term: From 25/11/2022 to 25/11/2024
Member Benefits
- Your memberships include FENS membership
- Reduced registration rates to key neuroscience meetings (FENS Forum, Brain Conferences)
- You can apply for free abstract slots for the annual SfN Meeting, linked to a reduced registration fee
- DSfN-Lundbeckfoundation Scholarstipends
- Grants and stipends to benefit from training stays and facilitate mobility and attendance at international neuroscience meetings
- Free online access to the European Journal of Neuroscience
- Unlimited free submissions to the FENS online job market
- You can apply DSfN for support to Neuroscience activities in Denmark
- Communicate you neuroscience events (social or scientific) at dsfn.dk or newsletter
- Other neuroscience related ‘stuff’ you wish to post on the DSfN Newsletter Whiteboard