• Naples: on 18 March 2015, involving three secondary schools’ students respectively coming from the “Liceo Statale Scientifico ‘Giuseppe Mercalli'”, the “Istituto Paritario Bianchi dei Padri Barnabiti” and the “Liceo Classico ‘Umberto I'”; and organised by Dr Gioacchino Tedeschi (the University of Naples and Italian Society of Neurology- SIN) and Dr Lorenzo Lorusso (Neurology Dept., Chiari and Chair of the FENS History Committee). Another session took place on 11 April 2015.
  • Oxford: on 19 March 2015, the seminar “Neuroscience in Oxford: Four Centuries of Discovery
  • Milan: on 17 April 2015, on “Carlo Besta and the Italian Neurosciences Development“, organised by the Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta.
  • Oxford: on 12 May 2015, on “History of understanding of the cerebral cortex”, at St John’s College. Watch this seminar on FENS Youtube Channel
  • Thessaloniki (Greece): on 9th October 2015, on “A History of Neuroscience Symposium – Understanding the origins and the development of Neuroscience from the Ancient Greek era till today”, at the FRM 2015.
  • Venice: on 7 November 2015, on “The Contribution of Neuroscience in Veneto. Cultural and Medical-Scientific roots: actuality and perspectives” at the Sala San Domenico of the Ospedale Civile Ss. Giovanni e Paolo.
  • Paris: on 3-4 December 2015, on “De l’Histoire des Neurosciences à la Neuropsychiatrie Moderne” at the ICM Auditorium in the Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, in collaboration with the Institut du Cerveau et de la moelle épinière (ICM).
  • London: on 14 December 2015, on “Neuroscience – Past, Present and Future” at the Kings College London, for the 50th anniversary of the British Neuroscience Association (BNA)