Job Market

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Job ID Job Title Position Institution City Country Deadline Published
86774 Post-doctoral Fellow in decision making in Drosophila Post-doctoral Position University of Birmingham Birmingham United Kingdom 22 August 2022 22 August 2022
86698 Tenure Track Position at the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences 2022-23 Tenure-track positions, faculty member The Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel 30 September 2022 22 August 2022
86751 Post Doc in Neuroscience of Feeding Behaviour Post-doctoral Position University of Aberdeen Aberdeen United Kingdom 9 September 2022 22 August 2022
86617 Post-doc for 2-photon imaging and/or Neuropixels recordings in awake marmosets Post-doctoral Position University of Western Ontario London Canada 1 October 2022 22 August 2022
86879 Host institution for ERC/SNSF starting grant group leader in psychiatric neuroscience Professor Lausanne University Hospital - Lausanne University Prilly-Lausanne Switzerland 15 September 2022 19 August 2022
86678 Postdoctoral Neuroscientist at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit Post-doctoral Position University of Oxford Oxford United Kingdom 2 September 2022 19 August 2022
86772 Project Scientist Light Microscopy Facility Project Scientist DZNE Bonn Germany 15 September 2022 19 August 2022
86659 Postdoc position in neuro-plasticity at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Post-doctoral Position Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden 18 September 2022 19 August 2022
86649 Postdoctoral researcher, behaviour + electrophysiology Post-doctoral Position University of Cambridge Cambridge United Kingdom 16 October 2022 19 August 2022
86613 Postdoctoral positions in Cell replacement therapies for Parkinson’s disease Post-doctoral Position Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden 15 September 2022 19 August 2022
86635 Postdoctoral Researcher Exercise Neuroscience Post-doctoral Position Florida Atlantic University Jupiter United States 31 December 2022 19 August 2022
86597 Postdoc at the interface between Neuroscience and Artificial Biomaterial Post-doctoral Position Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology Mainz Germany 31 August 2022 12 August 2022
86594 Research assistant in animal neurophysiology Technician CNRS Bron France 2 September 2022 12 August 2022
86592 PhD in Neuroscience Ph.D. Student University of Nottingham Nottingham United Kingdom 31 August 2022 12 August 2022
86611 Postdoctoral researcher positions in Parkinson’s disease Post-doctoral Position Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden 15 September 2022 12 August 2022
86524 PhD position in myelin biology Ph.D. Student Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Leioa-Bizkaia Spain 30 September 2022 11 August 2022
86522 PhD position to study myelin Ph.D. Student Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Leioa-Bizkaia Spain 30 September 2022 11 August 2022
86520 Post-doc position to sutdy myelin in autism Post-doctoral Position Achucarro Basque Cener for Neuroscience Leioa Spain 30 September 2022 11 August 2022
86395 PhD position in Systems Neuroscience, University of Kiel Ph.D. Student Physiologisches Institut, CAU Kiel Kiel Germany 10 September 2022 10 August 2022
86386 Postdoctoral position in the Neuronal Signal Integration Laboratory at UCI Post-doctoral Position University of California, Irvine IRVINE United States 30 September 2022 10 August 2022