Job ID: 99314

Redox control of Endoplasmic Reticulum – Mitochondria Contacts and their Relevance for Neurodegeneration

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 31 January 2022

Employment Start Date: 1 April 2022

Contract Length: 1 year minimum

City: Edmonton

Country: Canada

Institution: University of Alberta

Department: Cell Biology


A postdoc position is available immediately to study calcium and redox signaling between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondria in the Simmen laboratory (Department of Cell Biology, University of Alberta). The successful applicant will be studying the function of redox-sensitive ER proteins in this mechanism. These proteins localize to ER-mitochondria contact sites dependent on oxidation and reduction of cysteines. A special focus interest will be on the significance of this mechanism for the crosstalk between various CNS cell types, using co-culture approaches. Candidate proteins, novel or identified by the lab previously (e.g., TMX1, PERK, Ero1), will have to be mechanistically characterized using yeast and/or mammalian cell culture; more details are available in our publications and on our websites

Minimal requirements are previous experience with cell biology, potentially with yeast and two first author publications in an international journal. Applicants need to provide a cover letter that outlines their career objectives and how they would address the questions associated with the project, CV and scanned university grades. Primarily, this position is for Canadian nationals or permanent residents. Outstanding applicants from abroad will be considered but must have excellent English knowledge both spoken and written (high TOEFL/GRE scores or equivalent).

The location of the job is at the University of Alberta, the 5th largest university in Canada with world-class biomedical research labs. Edmonton is a culturally vibrant, young city that lies in close proximity to the Rocky Mountains, offering excellent opportunities for sports enthusiasts.