Job ID: 99284

Group Leader Positions

Position: Group Leader

Deadline: 1 March 2023

City: Paris

Country: France

Institution: Institut de la Vision



Candidates are invited to apply for an independent group leader position at the Institut de la Vision, one of the world-leading centers for Vision Research and Ophthalmology, located on the campus of the 15- 20 National Hospital of Vision in central Paris, France. (

The Institut de la Vision offers a unique research environment with multiple research laboratories, state- of-the-art animal facilities with comprehensive (high tech) phenotyping platforms, imaging facilities and single-cell sequencing core facilities. It is affiliated and supported by Inserm, CNRS and Sorbonne University and represents the core of the Institute Hospital-University (IHU) FOReSIGHT research. The IHU FOReSIGHT brings together the Institut de la Vision, the 15-20 National Hospital of Vision, various Paris-based ophthalmology departments and the CEA Paris Saclay.

Successful candidates will be recruited as group leaders for a period of 5 years to ease their appointment at French institutional research positions (CNRS, INSERM, Universities). Packages (to be negotiated) for salaries, running and equipment costs, access to state-of-the- art core facilities and laboratory space. Support will be provided for applying to National and International calls within the 5 years period.

We invite applications from experimental or theoretical scientists, at any stage of their career, aiming at deciphering fundamental biological mechanisms involved in vision. Candidate selection will be primarily based on the scientific record and project and the capacity to interact with other disciplines. Applications addressing all biology fields will be considered.

If not already appointed, the successful candidates should meet the criteria to compete for National and International funding, and for French institutional research positions (CNRS, INSERM, Universities).

Applicants must send a curriculum vitae with their complete list of publications, a 2-page summary of their research achievements, a 2-page project in English, and 2-3 recommendation letters. Applications must be sent as a single pdf file to Dominique Santiard-Baron (dominique. before March 1st, 2023.

Short-listed candidates will be invited for interview in the beginning of April 2023 and we expect offers to be made in June 2023.

The Institut de la Vision is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity in its recruitment process.